Why is Dean so unpopular with the powers that be?
1. He is threatening to the Democratic Party establishment, who will see the end to their "business as usual" and quid pro quo campaign contributions if Dean takes office. Terry McAuliffe and the DNC don't hide their anti-Dean stance very well. A number of Democratic Party insiders and contributors even shunted money into a secretive 527 organization so they could get around campaign financing restrictions and fund anti-Dean attack ads.
2. He threatens Corporate America, the media conglomerates in particular, because of his statements about "re-regulation" of corporations, and his statement on MSNBC last December that "we`re going to break up giant media enterprises." Bush is the media corporations' best friend, handing them gifts like last year's loosening of media ownership restrictions. Kerry is much friendlier to corporations and media giants since he has no plans to side with the citizens against the opinion-warping conglomerates. If you have any doubts about this opinion-warping power, just look how they have assassinated Dean's character in the months since last December.
3.He threatens the Republicans because if his "You have the power!" message catches on, Dean can bat bush in November. Dean is unpredictable. He inspires voters in a way Kerry cannot. Republicans know they can beat Kerry because he is predictable, sometimes hypocritical, and vulnerable to scandal.