Though few in the major media take notice, a handful of civic-minded crusaders are uncovering more evidence of possible voter fraud and blatant voter suppression tactics in the November 2004 elections.
Bob Fitrakis has published two new articles at describing "How the Ohio election was rigged for Bush." [LINK] [LINK] [LINK]
Fitrakis and others have held four hearings and documented hundreds of incidents of Ohio voters being turned away or discouraged from voting. These disenfranchied voters gave testimony under oath, and their evidence will be used in a court case that will challenge and could possibly overturn the results of the Ohio election. Fitrakis also documents a clear pattern of selective disenfranchisement done by withholding voting machines from pro-Kerry precincts (as discussed an earlier post [LINK]).
Here's one of the new facts Fitrakis presents:
In precinct 1-B where there were 1,620 registered voters, a 27% increase in voter registration, the precinct had five voting machines in 2000 and only three in 2004. Where did they go? Out to Republican enclaves like Canal Winchester, where two machines were added since 2000, for a total of five to service 1,255 registered voters? Or were they re-routed to Dublin 2-G where 1,656 registered voters apparently needed six machines, twice the number of Columbus' 1-B?
It's increasingly clear that voting machines were withheld from certain precincts in order to decrease the pro-Democrat vote. The question becomes: will the Republican elections officials who did this be held accountable for their actions?
Here are a few more recent links about voting shenanigans:
Warren County Ohio planned in advance to lockdown the counting areas to prevent witnesses [LINK]
Keith Olbermann on possible scenarios if the Ohio recount takes too long [LINK]
Anomalies in North Carolina votes, compared to absentee results [LINK]